Boto Ko
Icon Boto Ko

Boto Ko

by Jomar Tigcal

Boto Ko is an Android app you can use to list the candidates you want to vote.

App NameBoto Ko
DeveloperJomar Tigcal
Download Size4 MB
Latest Version3.2.2
Average Rating3.92
Rating Count12
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Screenshot Boto Ko
Screenshot Boto Ko
Screenshot Boto Ko
Screenshot Boto Ko
Want to keep a note of the candidates you'll vote in the next elections in the Philippines? Are you putting your list in paper and keeps erasing names on it as you change your preference? This Android app is for you! With Boto Ko (Boto 'ko or My Vote in English), you can list the candidates you want to vote and update the list anytime you want. Also, you can share your list anytime with ease via SMS, email and many more.

Tap the Save button to save the details. The candidates you saved will be displayed the next time you open the app. To clear the inputs, just tap the Clear button. To share the candidates you inputted (whether they are saved or not), just tap the share icon at the action bar and select where you want to share it to (SMS, email and others). You can also view the list of your votes by tapping the View icon beside the share icon.

Disclaimer: This app was done independently by its developer. The color scheme used in the app does not represent any candidate or political party. The names in the screenshot were randomly selected and does not mean endorsement. This app will only record the candidates you selected in your device.

Recent changes:
Removing candidates for the 2022 National & Local Elections
Design and performance improvements

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