Contra Returns
Icon Contra Returns

Contra Returns

by Level Infinite

Contra Returns is a classic side scrolling shooter game

App NameContra Returns
DeveloperLevel Infinite
Download Size987 MB
Latest Version1.29.100.8750
Average Rating3.65
Rating Count49,484
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Screenshot Contra Returns
Screenshot Contra Returns
Screenshot Contra Returns
Screenshot Contra Returns
Remember the secret code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A to get extra lives? After a 30-year hiatus, the Contra you know and love is back! Developed by famous Japanese game company KONAMI and world-leading game developer TIMI, Contra Returns aims to bring the classic Contra experience to mobile platforms.
In Contra Returns, players can enjoy the classic side-scrolling gameplay, two-person teams, alien bosses, and signature settings and soundtrack from the original series! All with updated HD resolution, 3D character models, and vivid acoustic and visual effects to deliver a sensory experience like no other! Get your fighting spirit all fired up with innovative content: real-time PvP battles, unique heroes, companions, and team mode! Legendary heroes Bill and Lance are making a comeback, so let's kick some alien butt and save the world!

【Special Features】

Reignite the Battlefield: Fight like a warrior in this worthy sequel to the classic Contra series made in collaboration with Konami.

Conquer the Battlefield with Friends: Team up online, test your teamwork skills, and take on the Contra world together.

Go Head-to-Head in Real-Time Combat: With fair competition and 3-second matching, enjoy exciting multiplayer battles online.

Tons of Gameplay: Experience all-new gameplay in the Team, Challenge, Story, and PvP modes.

Weapons Galore: Mix and match your arsenal and pair up different heroes to unlock new skills!

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