Long Neck Monster & Camera Man
Icon Long Neck Monster & Camera Man

Long Neck Monster & Camera Man

by Learn Piano Pianika Team

The Camera Man is hunting Long Neck Monster in the epic puzzle maps (Three Loop)

App NameLong Neck Monster & Camera Man
DeveloperLearn Piano Pianika Team
Download Size5 MB
Latest Version12366
Average Rating0.00
Rating Count0
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Screenshot Long Neck Monster & Camera Man
Screenshot Long Neck Monster & Camera Man
Screenshot Long Neck Monster & Camera Man
Screenshot Long Neck Monster & Camera Man
★★★★★ Long Neck Monster Mobile Game IQ.
The Camera Man is hunting Toilet Monster in the epic puzzle maps (Three Loop) ★★★★★

😍😍😍 Toilet Monster story
Toilet Monster was a shy monster with a long neck. He always felt self-conscious about it, and often sought privacy in the bathroom to avoid others' gazes. His nickname is Toilet Monster.

One day, while playing alone in the toilet, Toilet Monster overheard two boys making fun of him. They were laughing and mimicking his long neck, which made Monster feel even more embarrassed and hurt.

Feeling downhearted, Long Neck Monster returned home and confided in his mother. She listened to him patiently and then said, "Monster, you are unique and special just the way you are. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise."

Encouraged by his mother's words of comfort, Monster gained the strength to ignore the bullies and embraced his uniqueness. He began to wear clothes that highlighted his long neck and started to smile more. To his surprise, he even received compliments from people who admired his unique trait.

From that day on, Toilet Monster felt more confident and happy with himself. He stopped hiding in the toilet and started to socialize with his classmates. Soon enough, he made new friends who appreciated him for who he was, and he no longer felt the need to seek refuge in the bathroom.

In the end, Monster learned that being different is not something to be ashamed of but something to be proud of.

Note: Long Neck Monster mobile game is not horror game. This is Monster puzzle game offline - best iq games for you.

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