Scoreboard: Score Keeper
Icon Scoreboard: Score Keeper

Scoreboard: Score Keeper

by CrazyKoder

Scoreboard App: Track scores in any game!

App NameScoreboard: Score Keeper
Download Size26 MB
Latest Version1.0.4
Average Rating0.00
Rating Count0
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Screenshot Scoreboard: Score Keeper
Screenshot Scoreboard: Score Keeper
Screenshot Scoreboard: Score Keeper
Screenshot Scoreboard: Score Keeper
Scoreboard App is your go-to solution for scorekeeping in a wide range of games and activities. Whether you're immersed in sports, board games, or friendly contests, this user-friendly app streamlines score tracking.

Key Features:

Effortless Scorekeeping: Easily track the scores of two teams.
Personalized Team Names: Assign custom names to teams for clarity.
Customizable Scoreboard: Tailor the scoreboard's appearance with various colors and styles.
Timer Functionality: Set game time limits with the built-in timer.
Versatile Display: Supports landscape, portrait modes, and tablet compatibility.
Intuitive Interface: Navigate with ease.
Using Scoreboard App is simple: tap or swipe to increase or decrease scores and reset for a new game. It's ideal for basketball, soccer, volleyball, and numerous other sports and games, both indoors and outdoors.

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Recent changes:
Fixes and improvements.

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